samedi 7 avril 2012

Les Pâques heureux................Happy Easter

The water has slowly receded on the marsh at the bottom of our garden and I know that Spring is here as the farmer has returned a few cows to graze.

....................can you spot.........................

....the odd one out?

The storks are back and they are huge!! Some of them stand taller than the baby heffers!
I had a feeling they had returned as Mark told me that there were some enormous "herrings" ( he meant herons!) flying over our chimney.

I wonder if they lay "chocolat" eggs for Easter?

Happy Easter or Bonne fetes de Paques !

3 commentaires:

  1. Way cool - your very own nature show!

    Happy Easter Shirley.

  2. Happy Easter, belatedly, Shirley! My internet was down for a few weeks, and still is slow. When I use too much bandwidth, my server puts us on "Time Out". Trying to catch up on all your wonderful happenings. Always marvelous here at your tiny château, and your story a bit ago about the "gas" was hilarious!! Oh, I do so hope you write a book!!!
