dimanche 13 avril 2014

The first swallow....

The first swallow of the year arrived at the chateau this afternoon. It is always a sign that summer is on the way.

Work began on my walled garden today and at the moment I feel that I couldn`t have chosen a worse spot! The ground is filled with huge boulders and blocks of old stone that are making the footings very hard work indeed!

There has always been a rumour that there is a hidden tunnel here that runs to the local chapel. I spent all afternoon hoping that as each huge boulder was lifted  there would the entrance to a tunnel below! But no....no sign of anything yet.

We have unearthed part of an terracotta floor that must have been in one of the now long gone cottages attached to the chateau and It would be good to leave it on view inside the walls.

There are lots of stones sitting waiting ready to create an arched doorway and hopefully by the time we get to that stage we will all be as muscle bound as body builders as they are going to take some lifting!

So here are the photographs on the first day of the project and I shall keep you up to date as it progresses. That is definitely "AS" and not "IF" !!

A la prochaine mes belles

4 commentaires:

  1. looking forward to your progress.

  2. How wonderfull xx Are you having a veggie/herb garden with raised beds, that would get you over having to dig down xxx it is going to be divine xx

  3. Oh oh oh...just seen the most delicieux old metal grilled door....18th century...the sealer wasn`t there for the price and now I won`t sleep.....

  4. I for one am looking forward to your raised garden.
    AND the 18th century door...wow!
