lundi 10 mai 2010

Under the weather...................

Missing in action suffering with a summer cold........................
Back soon.........................

5 commentaires:

  1. Oo-er - take care Shirley. Plenty of local Normandy honey, and make a hot toddy with lemon and calva! I would say lay off the brocanting - but that's no way to talk to a (fellow) addict!All best wishes for a speedy recovery.

  2. Get well soon, dear Shirley, the weather is too unpleasant. No wonder that one is sick! Kind regards! Margit

  3. Dear Shirley
    I wish you well and hope you'll be back soon. I've just discovered your charming blog and truly love it!
    Take care and see you soon
    xxx Flaviana

  4. hiya girlie- just got back, flight delayed 4 hours, have the mother of all jetlags!
    Hope you feel better soon, speak later

  5. Oh no...I hate summer colds! I hope you feel better soon!
