samedi 31 août 2013

A petite person trying to get out.............

One weekend eight weeks ago, to celebrate my birthday, we went off for an evening with some good friends of ours -  Trevor and Carol -  who run a fabulous chambre d`hote/gite here in Normandie. Not only is the accommodation superb; they have even built a 1940s style bar, aptly named "The Spitfire". Just look at their website here:

Back to the party............and as the evening progressed with Glen Miller blasting out it became a little raucous ( to say the list) .........and, being a novice, Trevor decided to try and teach me to do a very lively jive, much to everyone's amusement ( as I was doing it wearing a WW2 German tin helmet!!).

 A wonderful evening was had by all and I arrived home, I confess, a little worse for wear!

On the Monday I had  a pain in the left hand side under my ribs at the back. and then at the front - but just shrugged it off with painkillers. Over the next few days the pain increased, continued to alternate between back and front and, in the middle of the Thursday night, it was so intense that Mark insisted we went off to A & E. Numerous tests were done at the hospital - but  nothing untoward was found and I was sent home filled with stronger painkillers.

So .............. here I am; eight weeks later and still in a great deal of pain........  so  yesterday my doctor sent me off to a specialist clinic to have a "scintigraphy" bone scan - apparently a "nuclear medicine technique!! I was filled with a radioactive substance - and then scanned!

The good news is that the scan has shown no problems at all -  and the conclusion is that the pain must be coming from badly torn muscles. The downside is that I can now glow in the dark;  Mark has threatened to buy a Geiger counter and I will click like a dolphin!! is the order of the day to allow the muscle to repair - but not much chance of that happening, but I'll try. There are two brocantes this weekend and a host of 1920s treasures to work through!!

But the most amusing part of all this is the scan pictures I have been sent home with. I have quite a tiny little skeleton in here so my excuse about being "big boned" is never going to work again after a chocolate binge!!!
Around the small skeleton is the fine outline of my actual shape..............Oh derriere looks enormous and somewhat like a lightbulb on the scan!!!

I shall fight my corner by saying I do not  have a good outline but I also do not have many wrinkles....... as you don`t get wrinkles on a balloon!!

And the moral of this story is...never dance the Jive with Trevor again!

A la prochaine mes belles


2 commentaires:

  1. Oh Shirley! And to think they say dancing is the best exercise!! Get some rest and take it easy!!

  2. Dear Shirley,
    So sorry to hear you have been in pain! Hope every day finds you tons better!
    S. & S.
