lundi 28 juin 2010

Johnny Depp came a very close second.................

I suppose the joy of being a brocanteuse is the fact that you can have exactly what you want ....even if it only comes to visit for a while..............................I suppose its one way for me to fix my shopping addiction for shabby chic treasures.

When I found this I did a nose dive, triple half pike and a somersault, grabbed it and there was no way I was letting it go......not even Johnny Depp beckoning me from a passing luxury yacht in silk Pyjamas would have made me put it down!

An alabaster angel so delicious!!! 19th century....dark with age....and the detailing is amazing.................this is why I throw myself out of bed at some ridiculous hour on brocanting days........

I have listed it for sale so I suppose it gets to stay with me on display for 7 days at least before it goes to a new home................

He was very folorn when I found him in a sellers box on the floor at the harbour on Sunday but I know that where ever in the world he ends up he will be adored!!!
Perhaps the new owner will be one of those buyers who waits until they have a box full of treasures from me before shipping..... so then he could stay on my dresser for just a little longer till their box is full!!!
But then if like I did they might want him immediately and he`ll be gone too soon........wonder if Johnny Depp is still waiting....where`s my water wings?!!!!

2 commentaires:

  1. wow- thanks for the link, is stunning!

  2. Exquisite detail!
    They don't make them like that anymore....
    Julie x
